Author / Elettra Sarti

I am a person attracted to culture, philosophy and communication. Since my teen years i have been an active member of the NGO SGI, seeking to promote peace and culture in my everyday life. All my jobs are relevant to creating, managing and organising, something that I have used in my extra curriculum activities as puppets, scenarios and songs creation. For me it is essential to continue searching for new ways to advance, evolve and create value for me and others.
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  • Κάλια

    Καίγεται το δέντρο<br /> <br /> Πεζή… μοιάζει να είναι η ζωή<br /> μ’άκου ιστορία αληθινή<br /> που απ’αυτήν αντιλαλεί<br /> η ποίηση.<br /> <br /> Ήμουν 17 χρονών<br /> <br /> Εκεί… σε ένα άδειο μαγαζί<br /> μου δίδαξες με υπομονή<br /> πως να χορεύω στη σιωπή <br /> με μουσική.<br /> <br />…